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USMS Power Consumption Management System

2019-03-02 SNO English Read 6164

Operators fight against each other in global market, low prices causing low profits; they have already moved out from big constructions of many new sites but into exquisite operation phase. Reduce O&M cost is an important way to gain profits.

Most operators are bothered with private access to wires (steal electricity); they are not able to compare the electricity charges with actual power consumption; they don’t know how much electricity all devices in sites consume; they cann’t discover exceeded power consumption of A/C in time; there are no A/C switch, ventilation or other energy efficiency measures; most operators who share one site don’t know how to calculate their responsible power consumption.


Power consumption management is a value-added subsystem of ZXM10 USMS system. It shares the data transmission channel, database storage and servers like consumption management server, consumption management client and consumption acquisition. The architecture of power consumption management system is as the following picture:


1) Make accurate statistics on power consumption of sites and monitor power consumption of sites so as to find out abnormal sites

2) Assess the actual energy efficiency results

3) Find out the best energy efficiency methods under different conditions and provide references for decision-making in power consumption management to reduce the carbon emission

4) If several operators share one site, this system can calculate how much O&M expenses everyone should be responsible for

5) Provide default O&M reports and also customized reports

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